We can Change the World

We could change the world by volunteering at homeless shelters or at the pound, but everybody does that. In America, at least hobos have somewhere to go, like Highway 80 Rescue Mission. Its other countries, like Africa, that need rescue missions. Since I’m only in the sixth grade, I can’t just hop on a plane and fly to Zimbabwe to build a homeless shelter, but I can raise money and start an organization that builds shelters in needy countries. These shelters could have beds, kitchens, and maybe some things for entertainment. The biggest shelters could even have a hospital, with vaccinations, trained doctors, and medical equipment to care for a broken bone or other problems. Money isn’t the only thing people can donate. Canned food, clothing, and shoes will also be accepted. Volunteers from around the USA or other healthy countries like Great Britain could help gather donations or even travel to Africa and help build shelters. Churches could send missionaries to help build shelters and then Christianize these sick, homeless people. We are all humans, and I think we should help each other out.

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